Easy Tips to Prepare Your Garden for Spring Planting

Preparing the Soil for Spring Planting

Your garden could be more than a beautiful space. You can turn it into a functional area where you can enjoy the fruits of nature. Here we show you how to get the garden beds ready for the first crops of the year:

Build Fertility

The idea is to loosen the soil and build fertility for a more productive year. To do that, a few weeks before you start planting, work in any cover crops and then add a full inch layer of quality compost. Use organic compost to provide the necessary nutrients to the soil that will help improve its ability to handle water and nourish your crops.

quality compost

Give the Soil a Little Love

Focus on cultivating your soil. The objective is to prepare your garden soil for planting so the roots can easily penetrate the soil. For new beds, use a remove roots or rocks with a shovel. Do this when the ground is crumbly and dry. In established beds, you can use a broad fork to break up the compacted ground.

Use Organic Fertilizers

For light feeders with shallow roots, such as beans and peas, apply moderate amounts of organic fertilizer into the first few inches of the ground. Contrary, for widely spaced plants like broccoli, cabbage, peppers, and tomatoes, that have big nutrient demands use a mixture of compost and organic fertilizer to enrich each individual hole. Finally, for heavy feeders like squash and pumpkin, the fertilizer should go below the germinating seeds; so with the help of a hoe, form deep trenches in the beds. Then, just put the fertilized in the trenches.create the perfect landscaped yard for your home

At All Around Soil & Stone, and we have all you need to create the perfect landscaped yard for your home within the entire Metro Denver area. Contact us for all your garden needs.