How to Keep Weeds and Grass Away from Flower Beds

Edge Your Flower Beds to Make Them Look Great

Flower beds are beautiful accents to your home landscape. They transmit peace of mind and bring life into any garden while contributing to the curb appeal of your home. However, if they are planted next to a grass lawn, they are susceptible to the invasion of not only grass but weeds. Worry not! There are ways to prevent grass from spreading into your flower beds.

Edging Your Flower Beds

Grass and weeds have a natural tendency to spread to any area that has soil and in between any flower that is planted, which make your flower beds look chaotic. Here is how you can help your flower beds to look neat and tidy.

Cut the Edgebest practices to improve your garden

For new flower beds, use a hose to mark your desired lines. For regular maintenance, use either a long-handled edger or a spade to move all the way through the line you have established.

Remove the Turf

Once you have defined your edge, refine it with a spade and dig approximately six inches into the flower beds. For new beds, cut the turf on the inside of the bed with the spade. Then, remove the loose turf by hand (remember to use garden gloves). Ideally, we need to create an edge at a 90-degree angle.

When creating a new flower bed, cut the lawn with the spade. Then, remove the loose turf by hand (remember to use garden gloves). Ideally, we need to create an edge at a 90-degree angle.

Refine the Edge

With the help of hand shears, cut any remaining grass blades from the edge. The correct way to hold the shears is to hold them vertically along the trench wall to avoid destroying the right angle of the edge.

Extra Tips

To keep the edges looking groomed, you can hone them during the growing season.

You can add three inches of mulch on the bed to eliminate weeds and embellish the bed with a dark color to the edge.

After you dig a perfect flower bed edge, you can install edging items, such as field stones, decorative bricks, and pavers, to further improve your landscaping.

Edging improve the overall curb appeal of your garden while preventing grass and weeds from sneaking into flower beds.

improve your landscaping, need mulch in Colorado

Your flower beds do not have to look like a disaster anymore!

At All Around Soil & Stone, we like to keep you informed and share with you the best practices to improve your garden. If you ever need mulch, decorative stones, organic compost, or any other supply, we are your one-stop shop for your landscaping needs. For more information, call us at 303-280-0815.