4 Top Soil Amendments for Your Garden

How to Improve Your Garden Soil

The purpose of performing soil amendments is to modify it. It changes the soil’s suitability for supporting plant roots, known as the “tilth.” When the tilth is in optimal condition, your lawn, garden plants, shrubs, and trees will grow healthy. You can enhance the physical properties that include aeration, drainage, permeability, structure, water infiltration, and water retention. Before amending your soil, running a soil test is the recommendation. Then alter the soil if the analysis shows that there is a nutritional or pH deficit or texture problems. The type of amendment you need will depend on the current soil composition, the climate, and the kind of plant. Here are the most common soil amendments you can apply to your soil:


Lime is typically used to restore balance to soil pH, especially if the soil is too acidic. Grinding limestone makes lime, which is a rock that contains high amounts of calcium. This product helps your lawn and plants thrive by increasing the soil’s pH.Soil Amendments


Fertilizers improve the supply of macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium) in the soil, which significantly impacts plant growth.

Organic Materials

Quality organic compost and rotted leaves enhance the way soil particles arrange and the way water and air move through them. At the same time, it increases the capacity for retaining nutrients and water and enlarging the activity of beneficial microorganisms.Compost


Gypsum releases nutrients and improves structure. It modifies soil without impacting the soil’s pH as it loosens compacted clay soils, increments water penetration, and encourages easier root penetration.

Should you need quality organic compost, soil mix, or any other landscape supply to start your flower garden, contact All Around Soil and Stone.

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